JWL: random head noise or...? |
...actual distinct voices speaking in my mind? Or is it just the weblog of James Lindenschmidt? Here you can see me wrestle with this and other questions, while spewing forth my writings, opinions, and hallucinations.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. ![]() Current Terror Level: This public service announcement brought to you by wackyneighbor.com ..::a r c h i v e s::.. ..::b l o g - o - d e x::.. people: Lawrence Lessig Doc Searls The Agonist Back To Iraq 2.0 This Modern World collectives: Freedom To Tinker FOS News BoingBoing (more coming soon... good blogs are hard to find) ..::l i n k s::.. activism: Interactivist Info Exchange Democracy Now! (archives) Common Dreams Campaign For Peace and Democracy E.F.F. Peace Action Maine The 5 Lessons of 9/11 intellectual property: Creative Commons openflows Palladium FAQ Bad Software ` internet radio: SomaFM Kurt Hanson's RAIN Save Internet Radio! SOS - Save Our Streams VOW - Voice of Webcasters Fax Congre$$ NOW!! other: Slashdot Casco Bay Weekly ..::c o n t a c t::.. James Lindenschmidt (double-check the address. 'tis a silly place.) AIM: JamLin23 Buy me a book. I'll love you forever. Maybe. :-) ![]() |
Sunday, September 29, 2002
Debian gives way to MandrakeWell, I finally did it. I wiped my Linux partitions and installed Linux Mandrake. I had been using Debian, but for several reasons I decided to switch.The install was effortless. Linux has come A Long Way. Everything worked right off the bat, except for my soundcard. I have an M-Audio card designed for pro (24-bit) recording, and I have to use an alternative sound system for Linux called ALSA. I haven't yet been able to get it to work, although Mandrake did recognize my card and ALSA was installed. It's probably a minor tweak; I'm sure I"ll find it in the next day or two. This version of Linux, and especially KDE 3.0.3 looks absolutely gorgeous, particularly after I downloaded and installed the Keramik, Liquid, and Acqua themes. I think I will like this. Everything seems to Just Work.
I'm sure I'll talk more about this soon; I'm still thinking of giving
Red Hat 8.0 a try when it is released, supposedly on Monday. The Mandrake install is easy enough to replicate. Saturday, September 28, 2002
Flaming Lips, and recording musicI haven't written in a while. I've been distracted by my music. Matt and I are working on recording some of our songs. We're putting our full attention into our music project. We have a good start. More soon.
I've been listening to the new album by
The Flaming Lips called
Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots. The last album that hit me like this was
OK Computer. It's fabulous. At the Flaming Lips website listed above, they have the entire album available for preview as a Flash presentation. First off, I applaud them for making their music available in this way. I'm sure it will increase album sales. Secondly, go listen to it. Now. Thursday, September 19, 2002
a reading was sightedMy daughter read aloud for the first time today. It was really cool. She was so excited."I'm reading! I'm reading!"
It was a few words, but she clearly grokked the concept of putting letters together, creating words. Like her
third circuit opened. We practiced some more today, and she wants to do more tomorrow. I'm following her lead.
Wednesday, September 18, 2002
NYTimes: 'Linux .. may finally be taking off'This article makes that claim. I agree. I think Red Hat 8 is going to be huge on the desktop. It's a gut feeling, but also, consider. For the first time, mature applications are available for virtually every need. KDE 3 is as solid as they come. GNOME 2 is quite nice. OpenOffice is the real deal. Evolution is better than Outlook. Mozilla rules. There are CD burners, mp3 rippers and players, and more. Yay, Linux.Tuesday, September 17, 2002
Need to fight pirates? Get some glue . . .OK, it's time to follow up on my previous post about recent Intellectual Property stuff. There are a few articles that have come out in the past few days that are worth a comment or three.First is the most, um, well I just don't know how to describe it. According to this story at the NYTimes (free reg. required, blah blah), Epic Records has come up with the stupidest solution ever to combat the Evil Music Pirates™. Apparently for the new Tori Amos and Pearl Jam CDs, they were worried about sending pre-release copies of the CD out to reviewers, because in the past the music has shown up on P2P networks so that people could download mp3s of the album before the release date. And, of course, they automatically assume that such practices Damage Album Sales, hurting the artists. So their solution was, at least, creative. They decided to ship out the prerelease CDs inside Sony Discman players, with the lid glued shut. This is not a joke. And to further circumvent the more imaginative Evil Music Pirates™, they glued the headphone plug into the jack, so that a reviewer couldn't plug the player's output into some recording device (should I mention that an even more imaginative Evil Music Pirate™ would simply have to cut the cable and re-attach a new plug on the end? Nahh . . .) . Now, there are at least several things wrong with this (do I even need to say anything? Really?). Number one, they are attempting to control the listening experience of the reviewers. Most reviewers have their own sound systems and probably like to listen to their new music on those systems. I know I'd rather listen to music on my own modest speakers in my system than almost anywhere else. I know the system well, I know how music sounds on it, and it is the space for my most intimate contact with the music. So if I were a reviewer forced to listen to an album through crappy 99-cent in-ear headphones, I probably wouldn't have as good of a listening experience. This position is reiterated by a music reviewer that the NYT interviewed in the article. But the bottom line is that I can't possibly see how this practice will help generate better album reviews, which in turn will generate better album sales. Epic is spending more money to make less money. However, this decision seems even stupider from another perspective. Why does Epic believe that a Vicious Criminal Freedom-hating Terrorist Music Pirate™ would stop short of smashing the unwanted Sony Discman to retrieve the precious pearl-like CD contained within? Epic are assuming that just because they spent $50 each to send out the discmans, that their customers will see these glued-shut, electronic, Intellectual-Property-protecting CD cases as being valuable and will not damage them. But what good is a CD player that won't play CDs? These CD players only play one particular Pearl Jam CD. That does me no good whatsoever. Me? I'd smash the fucking thing and throw it in the trash. Which brings us to the next question: who is paying for this debacle? 1000 Discmans for the review CDs at (about) $50 a pop -- is this $50 grand a recoupable expense for the artist? Will Tori and/or Pearl Jam be charged for this silliness?
The lesson here that the record companies need to learn is that they cannot control the actions of their customers. By attempting to assert control over what their customers do, they are alienating them. As a result, album sales are down, and CDs are more expensive than ever. It's getting to be almost comical at how shortsighted and desperate the record industry is. They are doomed. It's like the rich kid who had the really nice soccer ball and controlled the playground as a result, getting paranoid that his soccer ball is getting a bit dingy and dirty. Plus, there are now other kids on the block with soccer balls, and the rich kid is nervous, because he doesn't have something no one else has anymore, and he has no friends because he's pissed everyone off by being a selfish prick. Monday, September 16, 2002
Interesting things in my inboxThis article showed up in my inbox the other day. I have no idea who "Rusticus" is (apart from an ancient Roman philosopher), nor can I find this anywhere after a quick Google search. Regardless, it's worth reading, and is very very interesting. I think the author is right on the money. The parallels are scary.When Democracy Failed More music and Intellectual Property stuff . . .Here are some links, and only links, for now. Commentary later when I have more time. This is all just ridiculous:
USA Today: Rights issue rocks the music world
Boy, that second one is seriously stupid. I can't believe it. More soon. Friday, September 13, 2002
The Evidence Mounts . . .It's no secret. I don't like Micro$oft. Yet, here is another reason why. Microsoft Word has a flaw that allows crackers to steal your files. OK, fine. All software has bugs. The question is, what happens to those bugs? Here are some excerpts from the article that show what Micro$oft plans to do about the bugs:
Better yet, switch word processors. Try
OpenOffice.org, which is available for
Windows and
Linux, with
Mac OSX in development, and is a
free download (a few dozen megabytes, so make sure you have the bandwidth). Most likely, it does everything you need it to do, including opening Word documents. There are even cases where damaged Word files can be repaired by OpenOffice; just open your damaged .doc file in OpenOffice, save it again as a .doc, and in some cases the file will work again in MS Word. Sheesh. Wednesday, September 11, 2002
Nine-Eleven(tm), 2002My mother sent me an email today asking what I was doing in memory of Nine-Eleven(tm). An interesting question, to be sure; today millions of people are ritualizing their mourning for that horrible day. Hopefully it will bring a sense of closure to them, particularly those who were directly affected by the attacks.Unfortunately, however, I personally have no such sense of closure. I do not view the attacks of Nine-Eleven(tm) as a single, isolated incident. Though it is arguably the most dramatic bloody nose in history, I view it as yet another chapter in a very long, very tragic, and very unfinished story. It was neither the beginning nor the end of the story, though in retrospect we may view it as a crucial turning point. So to return to the question at hand, here are some of the things I did today in memory of Nine-Eleven(tm). I listened to some of the media coverage on NPR. I was most taken by the reading of the names, in alphabetical order, of all the victims. It of course took 2 1/2 hours to read; curiously this reminded me of commencement exercises at graduations. I tried to imagine what a 16-acre, 6-story deep hole in the ground, covered with a fine grey concrete dust, would look like. I tried to imagine what a 45-minute walk down 80 flights of stairs in the smoky darkness would be like. I thought about how organized religion has severely damaged the collective human psyche. Organized religion inevitably leads to fundamentalism and fanaticism, and after all, the crimes of Nine-Eleven(tm) were committed by "religious fanatics." And perhaps even more alarming, our leaders are using rhetoric derived from fundamentalism, speaking in moral absolutes such as "you're either with us or you're with the terrorists" and "this is a battle of Good against Evil" and other such nonsense. I thought about how money has become the ultimate idol; and about how capitalism is now the worst fetishistic organized religion of them all. I thought about Ani DiFranco's new song, Self-Evident. and about how much shit she's going to get from ignorant people. I thought about how "America's New War" looks an awful lot like America's Old War. I thought about how I as an American am on the beneficiary side of the global economic imbalance, despite the fact that I exist all-too-near the federal poverty levels. I thought about what it would be like to be so downtrodden, so depressed, so oppressed, and so ignored that flying a 767 into a skyscraper -- dying to make a point -- would seem like a good idea. I thought about how no one talks about how George W. Bush stole the presidency, and about how his "leadership" is even more fake than that of our other presidents. I thought about how a blowjob and a disappearing cigar in the Oval Office seems so comically unimportant now, compared to the evil that takes place there these days. I thought about the uncanny similarities between the USA PATRIOT Act and some laws passed in Germany in the 1930s. I wondered if humanity would ever evolve beyond 2nd circuit primate territorial power politics. I explained to my 5-year-old daughter that habitual argumentativeness is counterproductive and can only lead to anger and unhappiness, the very roots of violence. I thought about how I am almost continuously conflicted between, on one hand, wanting to create my own reality, living my life as I wish in happiness, and on the other hand, of having to worry about the ridiculous political climate in the world. Do I ignore politics, be happier, and live in my world with my community? If so, how long will my community last if I don't stand up and do something about the insanity in global politics these days? Can I afford not to be an activist, put my head in the sand, and be steamrolled at time t in the future? Or am I just overly paranoid?
Either way, I personally feel more endangered by our government than by Evil Terrorists(tm). Monday, September 09, 2002
Iraq my brains, trying to figure out why . . .So now the warmongers in Washington are trying to sell the idea of attacking Iraq to, well, to basically everyone outside the Oval Office.Needless to say, many people think this is a bad idea. I tend to agree with that assessment. Why is Iraq such a threat now, when we've supported Saddam in the past, at the time when he was committing his atrocities? Why now, 15 years later, is he such a threat? And perhaps most importantly, what does it say about our regard for the Iraqi people? We bomb the hell out of their country a decade ago in the Gulf War, then we impose serious sanctions which have virtually no effect on Saddam but starves the people of Iraq for 10 years. Now, a decade later, George W. wants to go back and finish what his daddy started. Fuck the Iraqi people, in other words. The US Government could care less about them. They suffer for years, a decade of starvation will apparently be bookended by the most horrific bombings technology is capable of, all at the whim of power mongering, greedy bastards in the Oval Office.
There, I'm done. I got it out of my system. For now. Wednesday, September 04, 2002
Oh, Canada!I applaud this story that says a Canadian Senate panel has urged the legalization of cannabis. Their conclusions are spot on; the report notes the following: